Graphics 10/10
Very smooth , fit for thiss game graphics , i have a bad computer and bad conection and the game runs just fine on high quality .
Story 10/10
I like stuff with aliens/zombies and especially when you can blow theyr ass off.
Controls 8/10
When you hold -> or <- long enough the character starts running by himself , the same is with shooting . You should fix this for... em... TOTAL SATISFACTORY OHLOLOLOLOLOMGROFL
It's over nine thousand . You could have a fortune if the game was not just a flash.
Suggsestions: In part 2 (if you''ll make it) please add a falcon punch action or like meelee wepons etc. and maybe grenades? those are fun >:{D.
Overall 9/10
No serious glitches were exposed when i played (lucky me) . Exept that annoying holding thing . Yet very good game , thank you .